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O-Shot & G-Shot Augmentation

While it may not be something you discuss often with others, your sexual health is an important aspect when it comes to your quality of life. It’s not only about having a healthy and satisfying sex life – there are certain vaginal issues that can harm your physical health, lower your self-esteem, and cause strain in your romantic and intimate relationships.

At Remedy Now Aesthetics, we strive to provide professional and personalized care, especially for private and intimate matters like vaginal and sexual health. Our goal is to provide you with treatments that work. That is why we offer the O-Shot and the G-Shot.

What Is
the O-Shot?

The O-Shot, also known as the Orgasm Shot, is a female genital injection that uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to treat a variety of issues, such as:

  • Lack of lubrication
  • Painful intercourse
  • Looseness
  • Difficulty reaching orgasm
  • Vaginal discomfort

PRP is a unique substance that is made from blood. The blood is harvested from the patient and processed in order to separate the different components of the blood. This removes unnecessary substances and leaves the doctor with the platelets, which contain essential nutrients and growth factors. Once the blood is processed into PRP, it can be injected into the desired areas.

When injected into the vaginal tissues, the PRP triggers the production of collagen, which helps to strengthen and tighten the tissues. It also stimulates the cellular-repair process and the production of new healthier cells.

I Highly Recommend Dr. Siddiqui For The O Shot!

I am not a person to write or share my experiences. However l, I feel it’s important to share what I experienced after receiving my O shot. For those of you who are 62 or close to it, it’s a big deal to talk or even want to have sex at this age. Many of my friends say they’re done with that phase of life and I refused to say goodbye to what used to be one of the sweeter times and experiences in my life. I wanted to feel sexy again and get turned on without having to ceremoniously prepare myself for having sex. That’s where Remedy Now and Dr. Siddiqui came in. I thought there are so many products and supplements for men, it was time I searched for something for me. I found there was such a thing as an O shot and reached out to Remedy Now and then had a consultation with Dr. Siddiqui. I decided to go for it, and made an appointment. Upon arrival I was greeted with sincere understanding and professionalism. Dr. Siddiqui explained what was going to be done every step of the way which made me feel comfortable with my decision. After the shot he recommended I try the female version of viagra. Sex after my O Shay was great without it but even better with it. I highly recommend Dr. Siddiqui for the O shot! Don’t let your life go by without enjoying sex like you used to!!

Most Sincerely, JPS

Benefits of the O-Shot include:

  • Vaginal tightening
  • Increased arousal
  • Increased stimulation
  • Decrease in incidents of stress incontinence
  • Increased lubrication

The O-Shot is an in-office procedure and takes around one hour to complete. Once your treatment is
complete, you can resume sexual activity in about four hours. Results will continue to improve over the
coming days.

I’ll See You Soon For My Booster!

The “O” shot is absolutely amazing!! And so is Dr Siddqui! Not only did he take so much time with me during the consult and answered all my questions, he made the actual shot appointment very comfortable. Just a few pinches, and ladies, you are off the races!! It does everything he said it would. This shot is so worth it! Thank you so much Dr Siddqui!! I’ll see you soon for my booster!

– Theresa N.

What Is the G-Shot?

The G-Shot is a treatment for enhancing sexual pleasure and satisfaction in women. The G-Shot is a non- surgical treatment that increases sexual gratification by enlarging the size of the G-spot. The G-spot is found along the vaginal wall and is believed to be an extension, or “root,” of the clitoris that extends along the vaginal wall.

The treatment involves a simple injection into the G-spot that enlarges it, making it easier to locate andstimulate. A local anesthetic is applied prior to the injection to prevent significant discomfort during the treatment. A special speculum is used to make reaching the area easy and as comfortable as possible.

The entire treatment only takes around 30 minutes to complete, and the injection itself only takes around 8 seconds to deliver. In most cases, the benefits provided by the G-Shot last for around four months.

Schedule a Consultation Today

If you are experiencing vaginal dryness, decreased sexual arousal, vaginal discomfort, painful intercourse, and a lack of sexual satisfaction, contact Remedy Now Aesthetics to schedule a consultation for your O-Shot or G-Shot.

During this consultation, we can let you know which treatment can address your specific concerns. Our treatments offer patients personalized results that provide the relief and satisfaction they have been looking for.

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