Vaginal rejuvenation encompasses a group of procedures that alter the vaginal anatomy to improve cosmesis or achieve more pleasurable sexual intercourse.
External vaginal procedures are defined as those performed on the female genitalia outside of the vaginal opening with major structures, including the labia majora, mons pubis, labia minora, clitoral hood, clitoral glans, and vaginal vestibule.
Internal vaginal procedures are defined as those performed within the vagina, extending from the vaginal opening to the cervix. The prevalence of elective vaginal rejuvenation procedures has increased in recent years, a trend that may be attributed to greater exposure through the media, including reality television. Genital self-image can have a considerable effect on a woman’s sexual behavior and relationships. Genital dissatisfaction has been associated with decreased sexual activity, whereas positive genital self-image correlates with increased sexual desire and less sexual distress or depression.
We will provide an overview of non invasive internal vaginal rejuvenation procedures. Currently, the 2 primary applications of noninvasive vaginal rejuvenation are vaginal laxity and genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM).
Vaginal laxity occurs in premenopausal or postmenopausal women and is caused by aging, childbearing, or hormonal imbalances. These factors can lead to decreased friction within the vagina during intercourse, which in turn can decrease sexual pleasure.
Genitourinary syndrome of menopause, previously known as vulvovaginal atrophy, encompasses genital (eg, dryness, burning, irritation), sexual (eg, lack of lubrication, discomfort or pain, impaired function), and urinary (eg, urgency, incontinence, dysuria, recurrent urinary tract infections) symptoms of menopause.
Hormone therapy:
The primary goal of treating genitourinary syndrome of menopause is to relieve symptoms. For women with vulvovaginal symptoms, first-line therapies include long-acting vaginal moisturizers and a short course of low-dose vaginal estrogen and hormonal replacement therapies. The type of available hormonal replacement therapy is widely available. The route of delivery can be systemic via the mouth, through the skin, via a nasal spray, and by injection. Local treatment includes vaginal ring, creams and tablets. Although estrogen-based treatments are effective, according to the Women’s Health Initiative and other clinical trials, hormone replacement therapy can increase the risk of various health issues in postmenopausal women. As a result, a large number of menopausal women have discontinued taking hormones, and have turned to
herbs, phytoestrogens, and dietary supplements instead because they worry about their reactions to hormones. Additionally breast cancer survivors are also unable to use hormone therapy for their GSM.
Platelet Rich Plasma ( O shot):
Loss of desire for sexual intimacy, painful intercourse and urine incontinence affect millions of women on a daily basis. Independent of the woman’s age, these disorders affect their lives. Many factors are implicated in a woman’s sexual arousal disorder, with hormonal, physical, psychological and relational changes to be mainly accused.
Decreased testosterone and estrogen levels, vaginal dryness, chronic health conditions and stress are the main contributors.
The vaginal Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) rejuvenation is part of an integrative approach designed to treat the above-mentioned disorders. It involves injection of the PRP into the upper wall of the vagina and clitoris, triggering stem cells’ multiplication and “younger” tissue growth. Growth Factors released from the activated PRP, promote collagen and elastin production inside the vagina and around the clitoris, causing its expansion due to tissue thickening, leading to easier stimulation, sexual enhancement and improved vaginal hydration.
Lasers and Radiofrequency Devices:
CO2, Erbium Vaginal lasers and Radiofrequency devices are designed to apply ablative or nonablative energy to the vaginal lining to increase lubrication, induce collagen production to tighten a lax upper vagina and improve urinary symptoms of incontinence. A wide vagina has been defined as a widened vaginal diameter that interferes with sexual function and sensation. Decreased sexual sensation may also result from scarring of the vaginal mucosa after prior vaginal surgery, episiotomy, or tears during childbirth. The objectives are to increase lubrication to treat symptoms of GSM, induce collagen production to treat the vaginal mucosa to create increased frictional forces that may lead to increased sexual sensation and reduce symptoms of incontinence.
diVA Laser Vaginal Therapy:
diVa Laser Vaginal therapy is a quick – 3-5 minutes (after topical anesthesia has taken effect), in-office procedure. diVa has a unique hybrid (2 different laser wavelengths) fractional laser technology. It is an endo-vaginal treatment, done with a topical anesthetics applied for 10-20 minutes. It is often combined with OShot injection. diVa delivers both ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to the same microscopic treatment zone: The 2,940 nm wavelength is used to deliver 0 to 800 microns of ablation and the 1,470 nm wavelength is used for delivering 0 to 700 microns of coagulation to the vaginal mucosa. It all results in new tissue formation, thicker mucosa, increased vascularity, and enhanced lubricating powers.
diVa uses an optimal delivery system with consistency and without any risk to burning vaginal mucosa. This gives diVa the unique ability to provide customizable treatments based on the patient’s vaginal health concerns. diVa laser vaginal therapy has been shown to improve stress urinary incontinence (peeing after coughing, sneezing, or jumping), problems with vaginal dryness, and painful sex.
diVa laser vaginal therapy is administered by our experienced OB/GYN physician – Dr Siddiqui, who evaluate patient to be the right candidates for this procedure.